International Conference on Linguistic Evidence

Call for papers
Information for authors
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Proceedings Volume 2008

Instructions for authors

This year too the proceedings volume will be published by Mouton de Gruyter. We hope to have it included, as in previous years, in the series Studies in Generative Grammar (series editors Henk van Riemsdijk, Harry van der Hulst, Jan Koster). The title is to be Fruits: Process and Product in Empirical Linguistics, and the editors are Sam Featherston and Susanne Winkler.

Authors are assigned 20 pages each, but for invited speakers individual arrangements may apply. These must contain everything, ie references, figures, images, example sentences, and so on. If you really need more space to improve the quality of your article, then contact us and explain why. At the internal review stage we may however ask you to reduce the length of your contribution, if we feel that the content could be expressed more succinctly. Approximately 3000 characters fit onto a page. Twenty pages are thus 60000 characters or perhaps 9500 words.

Although authors do not need to typeset their contributions -- this will be done by professional typesetters -- we would ask you to keep to the simple content stylesheet for edited works that Mouton de Gruyter have issued. We would also ask you to write your paper in Word, OpenOffice or similar, to aid the work of the typesetters.

There will be two stages of reviewing. The first stage is essentially internal. The editors will either themselves read the papers or else have them read by appropriate colleagues. Authors will receive feedback and suggestions for corrections and improvements. The second review stage is that of the series editors, who will decide which papers they are happy to include and what changes they require.

Please send your contribution for the proceedings to Sam Featherston on LingEvid2008'at' by the 28th April 2008. At this initial stage pdf documents are probably best. The typesetters will require editable format such as doc or rtf. We intend to return your papers to you with our internal reviews wihin two weeks. You will then have about four weeks to make the changes.

Page maintained by Sam Featherston
Last modified: 14.02.2008