International Conference on Linguistic Evidence

Call for papers
Info for authors
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Proceedings Volume 2006

Instructions for Authors

This year too the proceedings volume will be published by Mouton de Gruyter. The (provisional) title is Roots: Linguistics in search of its evidential base, editors Sam Featherston and Wolfgang Sternefeld.

Authors are assigned 20 pages each, but for invited speakers individual arrangements apply. These must contain everything, ie references, figures, images, example sentences, etc. The simplest way to produce a text of the right length is to use one of the templates below.

Mouton de Gruyter have issued some tools to help authors format their papers in line with their preferences. The first is a description of their house style (2002 edition). However, this contains a lot of information that authors for this volume do not immediately need, because they are not required to produce camera-ready texts; we have arranged for de Gruyter to do this for us. Nevertheless, it would simplify the eventual formatting process if authors could keep in mind what the final form will be. It is therefore worthwhile having a look at the house style.

They have also developed a template for Word. This does not only operate as an example text but includes a number of macros which make a whole new toolbar available. There is also a document containing instructions for using it.

Users of LaTeX have not been neglected. De Gruyter have put together a zipped package of tools for them too. However the example document they provide is one for a single author monograph, not a contribution to a edited volume. A few changes must therefore be made, such as deleting the \chapter and \tableofcontents codes. The package of tools does not include any help for bibliographies, but Stephan Kepser has produced a BibTeX style file and an example file, which contributors might like to use. Please bear in mind that at this stage the formatting is really only necessary so that authors have an idea of length. Final formatting will be done by de Gruyter themselves.

These documents are from de Gruyter's web page for authors, where you can find further details, but please bear in mind that we are producing a edited volume of contributions on A4 format paper. This is relevant to the templates we use.

Please send your contribution for the proceedings to Wolfgang Sternefeld on by the 19th June 2006. It would probably be best if documents were sent as pdf at this stage.

Page created by Stephan Kepser
Page maintained by Sam Featherston
Last modified: 21.06.2006