Thank you for wanting to participate at the experiment. The number of participants specified by the experimenter has been reached, however. The experiment is now finished. Experiment experiment running: progress 1/67

Welcome To Our Experiment!

General Instructions

We are researching the way native speakers of British English use language in their everyday lives. We ask that you give us your full attention (for instance, please turn off your phone during the experiment), and that you take the questions seriously and answer to the best of your ability.

Please note: The only requirements for participation are: (i) you are a native British English speaker, and (ii) you currenty live in the UK or, alternatively, you currently reside in a foreign country but you have been living abroad for less than one year.

Thank you for your participation.

This experiment was made using the free software OnExp 1.3.1 (GNU GPL).

Progress: 1.5%