Transliteration table

  Uppsala Corpus
  Query using Latin transliteration

Our corpora have their own internal transliteration system , which replaces every cyrillic sign by signs or combinations of signs of the Latin alphabet. In contrast to other transliteration systems, there are no non-letters like the apostrophe "' " used to represent cyrillic signs.
Corpus encoding:        corresponds to:
a                       a
b                       b
v                       v
g                       g
d                       d
e                       e
oh                      "yo" (not used in the Uppsala corpus)
zh                      "zhe", z^
z                       z
i                       i
j                       j
k                       k
l                       l
m                       m
n                       n
o                       o
p                       p
r                       r
s                       s
t                       t
u                       u
f                       f
x                       "kha", x
c                       c
ch                      "cha", c^
sh                      "sha", s^
w                       "shcha" s^c^
qh                      "tverdyj znak"
y                       y
q                       "mjagkij znak"
eh                      "e oborotnoe"
ju                      "ju"
ja                      "ja"